Turning an ordinary steak into a masterpiece


By Christopher Theberge


            There is nothing better than a frosty cold mug of beer and a juicy piece of steak.  However, do you find that those who eat your steak smother it with ketchup or A1 sauce?  If this happens then your steak definitely lacks that distinct flavor setting you apart from the rest.  It isn’t hard to turn that steak into something more.

First, you need a good marinade.  The longer you marinade that red meat, the more flavorful it will become.  Second, you need to decide what you want your marinade to taste like.  This may require some trial and error.  Don’t use your girlfriend as a guinea pig, she will probably like whatever you make her.  And lastly, creating that signature marinade that will knock their socks off.  You don’t have to be a gourmet chef or spend lots of money on expensive ingredients.  Everything is right in your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. 

Start by soaking 4 ½ to 5 pounds of steak in 1 or 2 bottles of your favorite beer.  The better the beer the better the flavor.  You will most likely be able to tell the difference between Schlitz and Sam Adam’s.  Add about 2 teaspoons of salt and 7 ½ to 8 teaspoons of lemon pepper or any of your favorite spices.  Let the meat marinade for a couple of hours.  That is it!  The next step is firing up that grill and cooking your masterpiece.  If you have friends who don’t drink alcohol, tell them not to fret.  All of the alcohol will cook off.  The only thing left of the beer is a nutty, delicious flavor from the barley and hops.

As you can see here, there is no need for your steak to be boring.  I encourage all of you to be creative when doing this.  Once you have created a signature recipe, write it down.  Buying steak in bulk and freezing it in the marinade will save you time and money.  I guarantee that if you follow these simple instructions your steak will be a topic amongst your friends for years to come.


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